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Frequently Asked Questions

How are different areas represented?

The two Committees comprise geographical constituencies, aligned to the 13 former PCT localities, plus separate constituencies to provide additional representation for the growing salaried/sessional GP workforce.  There is also OMP and GP Registrar representation, plus the facility to co-opt GPs with special experience not otherwise represented on the Committees

GP Partners and Salaried GPs may stand and vote in the constituency where their practice is located. Locum GPs can stand and vote in the constituency in which they predominantly work.  If you need any clarification as to which constituency you are eligible to apply for, please contact the LMC office.

How long do members serve on the Committee?

The term of office for LMC representatives is four years.  Any new members who join the Committees mid-term will serve until the current term of office ends.

How regularly are LMC Meetings held?

The Committees meet monthly, with the exception of August.  North Essex LMC meets on the second Thursday of each month, South Essex LMC meets on the fourth Thursday of each month.  A schedule of meetings is issued for each year. At present the majority of meetings are continuing via Teams, but we are introducing several face-to-face meetings for each Committee throughout the year, (North Essex LMC at Boreham Village Hall, South Essex at Rayleigh Parish Centre). In December a joint meeting is held with both committees and is preceded by a Christmas luncheon.

Meetings start at 2:15pm and usually last between 1 and 2 hours.  Agenda papers are circulated by e-mail around one week in advance of the meeting.  Whilst it is preferable for members to attend as regularly as possible, we understand that sometimes it will be necessary to give apologies.  These should be e-mailed to the office and will be noted accordingly.

Will I be reimbursed for my attendance at meetings?

Members are paid an attendance fee of £200 for each meeting, plus return mileage when attending in person.  An attendance sheet is circulated at face-to-face meetings which should be signed and mileage details entered, (for Teams meetings attendance is automatically registered).  Expense payments are made quarterly in arrears (March, June, September, December) via BACS.

How do I become a member?

You are required to be nominated by two GPs working in the constituency for which you are applying. Please contact for details of current vacancies and for a nomination form.
