LMC Representation of Locum GPs
North and South Essex Local Medical Committees represent all GPs working in Essex, irrespective of their contractual status. As such, our Committees comprise GP principals, salaried, locum and trainee GPs.
As locum GPs are not usually aligned to any one practice, historically they have been eligible to seek nomination and to vote in the constituency in which they live. However, following a recent review of the Constitutions of both Committees it was agreed that it would be more relevant for locum GPs to be nominated and to vote in the constituency in which they predominantly work.
In order that we can update our electoral register to reflect this change, we require all locum GPs to download and complete the contact form available via the link below. (This form was also circulated to all practices on the 9th November 2015) The form can be returned either in hard copy to the LMC office or by e-mail to events@essexlmc.org.uk
We will be conducting constituency elections in early 2016 and are keen to ensure that these processes are as inclusive as possible. Please be assured that any information provided will not be shared outside of the organisation.