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Date: April 1, 2020

A lot has changed since the original contract was agreed and the focus of the PCN DES is now to mainly support practices to increase their workforce and deal with the national emergency of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  The GPC has put together a 2-page summary.  Needless to say, the ongoing crisis will mean that general practice will need more support both in the short term and in the medium/long term and that will remain our focus as we navigate the coming weeks/months.

Summary points for PCN DES funding

PCN Core funding

  • £ 1.50 – will continue to be paid to the PCN

Network Participation Payment

  • £ 1.76 – will continue to be paid to the practices directly.

Extended Hours Access

  • £ 1.45 – will be paid to the PCN and passed on to the practices or as per local arrangements within the PCN for service provision.

Impact and Investment Fund now called PCN Support Payment 

  • £ 0.27 – will be paid to the PCN directly.

Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)

  • Funding protected and PCNs can go ahead with recruitment as planned.
  • Most of the work will concentrate on dealing with response COVID 19 crisis and where possible continue to work together and provide good care for patients. 
