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Business Skills Workshops
Date: September 30, 2022
Business Skills Workshops

Essex Local Medical Committees, in conjunction with Pfizer, have arranged a series of workshops aimed at PCN Clinical Directors and PCN/Practice Managers.

The content of these workshops has been fully funded and developed by Pfizer to support NHS organisations to improve services and enhance patient care. The workshops are non promotional and will be facilitated by a Pfizer Healthcare Partnership Manager who understands the local NHS environment, whilst also having knowledge and experience using these business skills in a commercial environment. The room hire and any refreshments during this meeting have been organised by North & South Essex LMC with no involvement from Pfizer.

For more information and to book your place on a workshop for just £30.00 (anyone who booked a conference bundle ticket for our recent PCN conference gets free access to all of the workshops) please see our Business Skills Workshops Flyer.
